The Nymph & The Frog
"Fairy tales" are a little different the closer you get to the Affalochee mountains. Folks round these parts speak of a horrible man eating frog monster with a slutty little friend in the swamp...
Once upon a time, there was a nymph named Juniper and a frog named Tsath. They had been best friends since Tsath grew frail nearly translucent legs and crawled out of the murky pond where he hatched. Juniper’s departure from her flower-womb was nearby. From the remnants of the seed of true love, left upon the fertile ground by a traveling couple in passions throws, a juniper bush had grown. Most of the small purple flowers matured into the characteristic dark blue berries except for one which retained its lilac hue and appeared to be folding into itself, curling into a fetal position. The tiny nymph tumbled from the branch in a gust of uncharacteristically strong wind on a sunny Spring morning. Her exploration of the area was fueled by a feast of berries provided by her mother. She found Tsath tipped over on his back. His misshapen legs were weak despite days of exhaustive struggle to navigate dry land in search of better food. In the prior weeks, Tsath had emptied the small pond he crawled out from, including fish three times his own size. In the water, Tsath was deadly quick and moved with such stealthy quiet, it made him nearly invisible. His jaws, though small, were powerful. His hunger was ravenous. Juniper cradled him gently in her palm and her love for him was instant and fierce.
Nymphs are naturally curious wanderers so Juniper was quick to suggest they go off in search of a larger body of water for Tsath to hunt in. This was a recurring theme for the first few years of their lives. Juniper grew to maturity relatively quickly but Tsath was always hungry and continuously growing. At the time Juniper had her sexual awakening, they were staying in a swamp surrounded by dense undergrowth and forest except for one long stretch of beach which ran parallel to a road a couple hundred yards off. Juniper spent a lot of time wandering in the adjacent woods, she had many friends she visited regularly and was helping a family of beavers rebuild part of their dam that was partially destroyed in a storm when she began to feel strange. Juniper felt a fluttering inside of her, it felt like a butterfly between her legs and she began unconsciously rubbing her thighs together as she carried the logs back and forth. Shortly thereafter Juniper strode off deeper into the woods, following the sound of melodic pipes drifting through the trees.
It was Pan she found in those trees. For when all young nymphs first feel the stirring that will enrapture them for the rest of their lives, it is Pan who answers. Or perhaps it is Pan who calls. Juniper found the half-goat, half-man dancing around a ring of familiar small purple flowers and playing his pipes with a gleeful sparkle in his forest green eyes. Above his hoofed feet were anklets adorned with small bells. She danced with him, twirling ever-closer until she collapsed dizzy and giggling in the circle. Her giggles paused abruptly and then intensified when she saw his long erect penis sticking out from the tufts of surprisingly soft fur covering his bottom half. Struck by curiosity and building unnamed desire, she reached out and touched it gently with her fingertips. It bounced back at her touch. Pan taught Juniper to play a new kind of game that afternoon in the circle. As she sat atop his lap, bouncing on his dick propelled by his powerful, thrusting hips, legs wrapped snugly around his waist, she squealed with joy as she orgasmed again and again, clinging tightly to his neck and covering it in kisses. After, Juniper fell into a deep sleep and when she awoke she discovered that place in between her legs was still throbbing slightly, longing. This feeling never left Juniper, as it never leaves any nymph.
When she returned to Tsath that evening, Juniper told him all about the fun she had with the strange, handsome goat-man. They experimented enthusiastically but in the end, due to her being unable to breathe underwater and his inability to become properly aroused, they discovered it was best for her to lounge on the edge of the swamp with her legs floating in the water while Tsath used his lengthy tongue to pleasure her. He learned to use variation, trailing softly over her clit one moment and firming up his tongue to fuck her greedy, tight pussy the next. Of course, to Tsath this had nothing to do with a breeding instinct and everything to do with pleasing his friend. He loved the noises she made while they played this game and the way she would twist around on the ground. Eventually, she would cry out and writhe with even greater intensity, then she was usually ready to play other games, for a little while anyway.
Sometimes, when they were lucky, a traveler would pass by the swamp alone and enter unknowingly into their game. The presence of a third player greatly excited both Juniper and Tsath for their own reasons. When Juniper was in the woods with Pan, he gave her more than the physical sensations of pleasure, he made her feel desired. She felt the desire coming off of his body like heat and it intoxicated her and added color to every touch that passed between them. The travelers provided this desire, for she was certainly worthy of it. Juniper was as full and vibrant as a field of wildflowers in high summer, ample curves spread over a layer of firm muscle. Her long, silky straight hair was black as night and sparkled deep indigo blue in the sun, contrasting strikingly against her smooth ivory skin. Juniper’s eyes were bright icy blue and shone with wicked intelligence and good humor. One of the travelers had even taught her to wink before coming to his end. This was a trick she was quite proud of and employed with great results. She had even taught Tsath! His reasons for welcoming the temporary intruders were more simple; it made Juniper happy and he got a tasty meal when she was finished with them.
Halford cursed loudly as he attempted to yank his foot out of the goopy mud it was rapidly descending in. His foot came out, but only the foot. He watched dejectedly as his fine leather boot sank rapidly in the greenish goo and was swallowed up. A few bubbles broke the surface as if to wave goodbye. He had just bought those boots back in Falling Stone two nights ago, spent too much coin on them truth be told. Halford had spent the past two years as a soldier-for-hire in the Keanna / Pisgain war. Despite choosing the winning side and being compensated generously he was rapidly running through his funds. Halford mentally berated himself for spending so much on the boots but never considered that he may have spent too much on kisses and warm fragrant beds in houses-of-questionable-repute in every town he stopped in on the way home. It had been a long two years in more ways than one. He was walking along one of two main roads that cut through the swamp. These roads turned out to be very poorly maintained. This wasn’t the first time his footfall had broken through the old, half-rotted boards that formed a raised trail a few inches above the wettest parts of the swamp. He carried on, half-barefoot, eventually coming to a place where the raised boards ended and the trail followed along a long, narrow beach. His exposed foot was covered in a semi-dry layer of green slime that he was eager to wash off. Upon closer inspection, the water along the beach looked and smelled far less foul than the rest he had encountered in the swamp.Though hesitant to feel relief, his mind already fully made up that this was going to be a Very Bad Day, he allowed himself a small smile as he sat down, slipped his foot into the pleasantly cool water, and began to wipe away the sulfur-scented goop.
Juniper was watching him from the secrecy of a nearby cove. She was peering through the leaf-laden branches of a small marsh merigold dotted with vibrant yellow flowers. It had been nearly three moon cycles since someone had passed by their beach and her pussy was throbbing in anticipation. The traveler was short and stocky but when he removed his sweat-stained tunic she could see muscles bulging from his powerful arms and shoulders. He didn’t look like he had missed many meals, Tsath would like that. She smiled and slipped under the water, swimming silently toward the beach. Halford was splashing his arms and chest when he noticed a ripple in the water coming straight towards him. In an instant he was on his feet, legs spread, knees bent slightly, large dagger gripped firmly in his right hand. It had been two months since he was on a battlefield but Halford’s instincts were still razor sharp. He wasn’t sure what he expected to come out of the water but it definitely wasn’t the stunningly beautiful, long-legged, naked woman striding confidently towards him,smiling at him like that and, was that wink? Halford felt his belly filling with warmth that spread down to his groin as he lustily watched drops of water sliding down her smooth, lithe waist and trailing down between her legs. She came to a stop at the edge of the water and stood on the beach glistening in the golden, late afternoon light for a moment before beginning to move her hips slowly from side to side. Her hands were trailing over her body, caressing her curves as she began to dance toward him. Halford considered the possibilities. This was clearly not a woman, strictly speaking. She had to be a witch, or worse, a nymph. Good girls that you bring home to Momma don’t typically go skinny-dipping in backwoods swamps. She came to a stop in front of him and winked again, smiling sweetly.
“Hello handsome, my name’s Juniper. Who are you?”
Her voice snapped him back to reality. Yanked rudely from his lurid fantasies he stuttered a bit before offering “Halford, I’m Halford. Just passing through, just trying to get home safely, I’ve been at war…” His palms became sweaty as his mind swirled with conflicting images. One moment it was her blue eyes gazing up at him with her pretty lips wrapped around his cock, the next was the beach covered in his blood and guts as she stood over his shredded corpse laughing manically. He knew with nymphs and witches, it could go either way, sometimes both.
“At war?!” she gasped and her face clouded with somewhat poorly contrived concerned. She came toward him, her right hand outstretched while the left cupped her breast.
“You must be so tired! Your body must be so ragged! I have magick. Magick that can soothe you, make it all better, like it never happened” she trailed off as she reached out and drug her fingers lightly down his chest to the waist of his trousers where she gave a little tug. At her touch, the warmth in his groin intensified and he let out a surprised groan which earned him another wink and a giggle.
“Really, I – he stuttered – I must be on my way, I” but his protests were cut off in a sigh as she cupped her hand around his already bulging manhood and squeezed softly. Halford felt his knees quiver and he locked them to remain upright.
“On your way? So soon? But you’re so hard. I just want a taste. Let me taste it, Hal, please.” She looked up at him with pleading bright blue eyes and licked her lips as she slid her hand down his trousers, grasping his thick shaft with one hand and loosening his ties with her other. Halford was a strong-willed man, one had to be to survive the things he had those past few years, but here was where his resolve faltered. Nymph, witch, or woman, it didn’t matter. His dick was throbbing and he could see the wetness of her mouth glistening on her lightly parted lips as she lowered herself to her knees and he laid his hand on her head, guiding her down. If things did go poorly, Halford told himself it shouldn’t be that difficult for him to kill one little slut, no matter what she was and let himself relax a little. Maybe today wouldn’t be so bad after all.
Juniper began with a small taste. She flicked the tip of his dick with her tongue and when it bounced up at her touch, drug her tongue along its underside from balls to tip, stopping at the end to slide it just inside her mouth. She looked up at him and let out a soft moan as she sucked gently. Juniper ran her tongue up and down along the underside of his cock, teasing him at the place where shaft meets head with light flicks. She felt wetness dripping from her aching cunt as she struggled to fit his girth inside her mouth and imagined how he would feel inside her, filling her up, stretching her out. She reached between her legs with one hand and massaged her clit as she passed his dick from her mouth to her free hand and began to stroke it. Halford had been letting out a steady stream of mumbled curses, eyes shut tightly, face turned up to the rapidly setting sun and upon feeling the cool breeze on his newly exposed manhood, he jerked his eyes open and blurted out “In! In you slut!” Maybe it was the fact that the only women Halford had been touched by in more years than he would care to admit were prostitutes. In general, they didn’t seem to mind much when he called them names and told them exactly what he wanted them to do. Maybe Halford was just a selfish, controlling asshole. Either way, he must have forgotten the bit about nymphs, witches, and his vision of blood covering the beach because when Jupiter’s mouth dropped open in shocked surprise, he dug his fingers into her silky black hair, pulled her head forward, and shoved his cock unceremoniously back into her mouth. Her blue eyes gawked at him and begin to fill with angry tears as he thrust into her throat with gutteral grunts. Juniper was filled with angry disappointment. She wasn’t opposed to taking it rough but she could hear the contempt in his voice and felt careless roughness in his hands. She thought of how Pan had held her, how he covered her body in kisses as light as butterfly wings. She thought of the adoration pouring off of him and the way his emerald eyes had sparkled at her and felt her stomach churn in longing. She didn’t feel like she was winning and the game wasn’t fun any more, but that could change. Oh yes, that could change quickly and easily.
Juniper looked up at Halford as she raised her left hand and snapped her fingers in front of his face, now red and pooling sweat at his receding hairline. He went stiff instantly.
“Hey! What the-” he couldn’t finish his curse before she pinched her fingers together, drawing a line horizontally in the air “Shhh”.
His mouth snapped shut, his eyes darting wildly from side to side as the sweat began rolling down his forehead in big drops. Halford’s mind was reeling in white-hot terror. Salty sweat was dripping down in his wide-eyes causing his vision to blur but his hands would not budge even slightly to wipe them away. Halford’s desire dissipated quickly with the change, seemingly unable to compete with the awful dread and fear filling him. However, his erection remained full and stiff thanks to Juniper’s stilling magick. She was soaking wet, disappointed, and anger be damned, she was going to cum on his dick before she left him to Tsath, that was certain. She stood in a broad stance in front of him, bent over, and slid his length into her. His cock filled her cunt nicely, pressing against her walls so that her clit bulged slightly forward. She settled two fingers over it and began rubbing herself in motion with the winding of her hips. Halford couldn’t speak but he could still feel and despite himself, he began to moan in the back of his throat as she bounced her ass down on him with growing intensity and speed, her wetness dripping and falling down his leg. It didn’t take her long to find the perfect spot and rhythm and soon (too soon for Halford’s liking) she was crying out in pleasure. A moment later she stood up, turned to face the water, and called Tsath’s name in a cheery, singsong tone. “All finished over here! I won! Again!” she squealed with delight and the aftershocks of her orgasm rippled down her legs and into her belly.
Tsath could hear his friend from under the murky water and perked up from where he had been dozing at the bottom of an underwater cavern below the beach. That was fast! Faster than normal, but he wasn’t complaining. It had been weeks since he had a decent meal and from his stolen glance over the water when the traveler first walked up, he looked like he would be filling indeed. Tsath licked his algae-coated lips as he swam to the surface, imaging the satisfying crunch of bones and the way their insides gushed into his mouth, warm, savory, and flavorful. He could hardly wait.
When Halford saw what appeared to be the form of a giant, 20-something foot frog coming out of the water, he didn’t believe it at first. He heard some stories of odd creatures in the swamp during his last night in Falling Stone but nothing prepared him for the moss-covered monstrosity creeping up from the swamp toward him. When Tsath drug the last of his mighty, heaving form out of the water and onto the beach he let out a powerful roar which caused Halford to promptlyrelieve his bowels. Juniper relaxed her grip on him long enough for him to soil himself before putting his entire body back in a chokehold and laughed heartily at him. He looked ridiculous! For one thing, he was missing one of his boots. What absolute fool walks around a dangerous swamp with only one boot? Shit dribbled down down his legs while his dick stood straight at attention. It looked red and a little painful but she knew it wouldn’t hurt for long.
“What’s the matter with him?” Tsath growled in his low, rumbling voice
“I think he’s afraid of you, probably knows he’s gonna get ate!”
“I mean why isn’t he screaming? It’s not the same without the screaming. You know I like the screams, Juni.” He looked as downcast as a giant frog monster could.
“Oh! Of course!”
She released her hold on his mouth and the sound that erupted forth, shrill and desperate, was music to Tsath’s ears. Halford’s long scream ended in a shriek which dribbled out into choking sobs.
“Much better, thank you.”
Tsath and Juniper shared a look of mutual adoration before he turned his attention back to the stinking, shrieking sack of shit that was his meal. Tsath took Halford’s upper half into his mouth and bit down just hard enough to lift him up effortlessly into the air. He was about to crunch down when he noticed Juniper watching closely. Wanting to give her a show, he tossed his head back and then slammed it forward swiftly, breaking Halfords spine as he flung forward. Hisscreaming was silenced but Halford’s erect dick remained obediently at attention as the rest of him hung limply from the frogs mouth. Tsath bit down on his soft belly and turned his head up to slurp down warm, delicious intestine soup. He crunched down the rest of the way and shook his head so the bottom half of Halford fell to the beach, dick-up. Juniper looked at it with that playful gleam back in her eye.
“Were you gonna finish that, Tsath?”
“Yeah, I am. But it doesn’t have to be immediate…” He winked at her.
Juniper smiled wide and strode toward the half-body. They’d both enjoy seconds tonight.